Payment sent to the wrong account

New Community Member
My mom accidentally sent a payment to an old account I had years ago that I have no way of accessing. She's trying to figure out how to cancel it and I guess PayPal reps aren't helping her figure it out. Has anyone have a clue on what to do? It was sent through PayPal and not the family and friends one.
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What does it say on the transaction on her paypal account ie payment / sent / unclaimed or pending etc?

Secondly how did she fund the paypal payment which funding source?

Lastly why can't you ask customer services to help you access the account? As you are only allowed 2 paypal accounts if 1 is business and the other 1 is personal then you may need to close the other one. Also if you can close it then you could add that email address to your new account and the funds should come with it (you can have 8 emails on the 1 paypal account). 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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