Payment pending after seller has paid the invoice


Evening all. 

Sent an invoice to a buyer as I do muliple times a week, never have a problem, she has told me she has paid the invoice but it is showing my end as "payment pending" since 28/05.  I've contacted Paypal support but still not had anything back from them and the automated service says there are no held payments on my account???


Why is this pending?  I have sent and had payments since from other invoices.  Seller is expecting me to post item tomorrow which obviously I cannot do can anyone help with what this issue is?


Thanks, Lou

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Did you have an email confirmation of the payment from paypal and was it genuine and not a spoof?

Only scammers ask you to send them invoices so that they can use the email address to send fake spoof emails pretending they have paid when they have not.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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