Payment or Transaction in Limbo.

New Community Member

I had an account with Paypal. I received a Payment for an item sold on Marketplace. I could not move the payment to my wallet. In trying to move the payment to my PayPal account was CLOSED.  so I created a new account with the same email.

Paypal cannot tell me what happened to the old account  Payment. Since my old account is no longer active Paypal says they cannot look up the transaction, By law they need to keep fiscal information for a period of time. I cant believe Paypal cannot look up a past transaction even on old accounts,.

so where is the money going to? Paypal dummy account? It wasn't moved to any of my accounts.

I work in IT and I think Paypal can look up in history any transaction a few days old.

any sugestions?


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You can't close a paypal account with a positive or negative balance.

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