Payment keeps getting cancelled/blocked as a "potential risk"


I've been trying to make a purchase of 34 dollars Canadian to a reputable Canadian bookstore chain, Indigo Books & Music. The purchase includes 7 fiction books, all of which are SFW and by no means illegal, obscene or even remotely offensive (I think the raciest title in there is a romance novel, nothing explicit or pornographic or anything!). Yesterday I tried twice to complete the purchase; the purchase was denied both times and I received 2 emails stating, "Your payment of $34.80 CAD to Indigo Books & Music Inc. on Feb 23, 2024 couldn't be sent. From time to time, PayPal must review a payment more closely to ensure it complies with the established User Agreement and our global regulatory obligations. We identified a risk that prevents us from completing this payment. We apologize for the inconvenience." I tried contacting PayPal and they must have outsourced all their real human being customer service workers to AI bots or something because that wasn't helpful in the slightest. Please don't rely on AI for something as important as handling other people's money, PayPal! 😫😖 I tried making the purchase again today, and it was again declined. I received the exact same email so now I've given up; I did contact PayPal one more time about the issue but they never responded. I'm not committing fraud (my account is linked up only to my own debit card and no other funding source), I have adequate funds in my account, and it's just fiction books! It's not like I'm trying to order a machine gun or funnelling money to ISIS or something. I'm wondering if maybe PayPal's hyped-up "machine-learning technology" for detecting fraud may have a **bleep** loose, or if there's something more going on here, because I can think of no other reason why PayPal would be considering this purchase a "risk".

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