Payment Pending




I have 6 payments on rending on shopify and 4 on bandcamp.

The problem is that I verified my email address on paypal , after I received these payments. So how can I accept now these payments?

The transactions on bandcamp are:

  1. 6CR615284L832314X ,
  2. 6GC96239BL1154253,
  3. 2F371709XP072110P,
  4. 4EB58392K5860584U


The transactions on shopify are:

  1. Payment ID -> rckokOAcIz3CRA3SZ2edXjfUc , Authorization key -> 67353173D2734320C
  2. Payment ID -> r74jCkygiSB2GgZj3gnmWc6is , Authorization key -> 97P93057E3685482H
  3. Payment ID -> rSPekleKYKMrH8DIKFQ9aJWLV , Authorization key -> 9H699323GT750350D
  4. Payment ID -> rN9i79LSOl4cwuczRfCf0YvSi , Authorization key -> 2SC47253KM541114S
  5. Payment ID -> rOVHGaCBmhV7nSPyWqjlVV7nG , Authorization key -> 3P551688K3053440K
  6. Payment ID -> rCDzNHAPqWdkqFctdvokDqqk9, Authorization key -> 0LS497084L951764R


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Hello @pistkon

Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! 

I'm sorry to hear you still haven't received your payments even after verifying your email. As long as your verified email is the same on both PayPal and Shopify, the payments should connect to your PayPal account. If the email isn't verified immediately, there can be a delay, but they typically link up within a few hours. The most I've seen it take is one full day. 

However, if the sender notices that the payment wasn't completed successfully and shows unclaimed on their side, they have the possibility of canceling it. Additionally, if it has been more than 30 days from when the payments were sent, they would have automatically returned to the senders. Please do not ship any items until you see the payments within your PayPal account. 

If they still haven't linked, please get in touch with Customer Support for further investigation. You can review the different options for contacting Customer Support on our Help Center here or by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of the website. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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