Money not reflecting in Paypal that was taken from my bank


Where is the money Paypal has taken from my bank account a week ago in order to cover the minus amount in my Paypal account? My Paypal account still shows  minus 40 Euros, but Paypal already took it from my bank. Something is not right. It doesn't take this long. It should be automatic. Now what will happen is that when my payment goes in it will automatically keep the 40 Euros, However it already took it from my bank. This has happened before . Paypal taking from my bank and not reflecting in my Paypal. Then my payment was deposited and Payapl kept it from there too, and I never got the difference. I never disputed it then cause it was a small amount like 5 Euros,But now No . They are not going to keep an extra 40 euros!

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