Money is on hold when buyer has item

I need to understand how legally my money is held for no reason while your fee is taken and the buyer is in possession of my dad's 100 year old Banjo I sold for the fact I desperately need the money and was having an eviction scare but now I am evicted and no help from none of you. I am going to sue and this is personal and money is not what I want, I want this company to no longer exist cause you are the worst crooks I have ever seen and totally arrogant as if your all mighty when you shouldn't have any say with anyone's money cause this is the third time I've dealt with you thieves taking what's not yours and it's gonna be what ends this nightmare company. I'm not resting till your all homeless like you have made me and my daughter cause I've got nothing but hate deep down for all of your corrupt arrogant pieces you have there.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I would advise on how you can get the funds released more quickly but as you are accusing paypal of being crooks then this link should help.


Hopefully funds will be released in time to pay your lawyer !!

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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