If the seller cancels the order, will the authorization fee be refunded?


Recently I purchased a VPS product from OVH Cloud provider, but when I paid the amount of nearly $12 and they told me to wait 48 hours to process the order, but today I checked and saw that they had canceled. That's my deal. So when they cancel the transaction, will the previous authorization amount be refunded to my credit card? Please let me know.

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Hello @manhnguyen11 


Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for your post!


I understand your concern about the authorization charges getting refunded. When you attempt to make a payment, the amount can be temporarily charged to your card. Until merchant captures the payment, the status will be in pending. Since the merchant canceled the deal, the authorization will get voided and the money will be reversed to your card. Although PayPal has released the hold on your funds, this may take up to 1-5 business days to process through your financial institution.


I hope the information provided is able to assist with your concerns.


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