I sent money using the Goods/Services option instead of family/relative. What can I do?


I've been charged a very large sum of money since I used the goods/services instead of the family/relative option. What can I do to reverse this operation and not lose that money. Both of us are relatives in the same country using the same currency.

I've read that I'll only lose $0.30 if I refund, but I am not sure if this is up to date.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


Paypal no longer returns the fee you were charged when your buyer paid as part of any refund that you issue.
Paypal processes your buyers original payment and then the refund for you, the fee is for providing that service so not much point in refunding.

Your best bet is to reach out to customer services, explain the mistake and see if they will refund the fee as a goodwill gesture?


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