I got a REV PAYPAL in my bank statement.

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So my job pays me through UpWork. I live abroad so I have to transfer the money from UpWork to PayPal and from PayPal to my bank account. About two weeks ago I transfered around $500, which I received in my bank account. But two days later I notice a "REV PAYPAL" that withdrew the same exact amount of money and the $500 are now gone nowhere to be found.


Why would PayPal reverse my transaction? And if so, why is my money not back in my PayPal balance? I have been calling PayPal all week and they can't tell me where my money is.


I need help, it's $500 not $5.

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Paypal accounts are country specific so are you trying to use a U.S paypal account in another country.

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Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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