I am not a seller

New Community Member
Please help I have a personal account and I am not a seller but my mom sent me money and I was charged a transaction fee, I reached out to PayPal and they told me to let her know she was supposed to choose’family’ but then again the only option they gave her was goods and services and if reflected on her end that I am a seller and then they still insist that I am not a seller but took $10 out of my money and this has been happening for a while now total of $100 has been taken from me in the name of seller. I am not selling anything!!!!!! I am not gaining so why do they keep taking from me. It’s frustrating please do you have any idea what I can do. I’m at that point of deleting my account cause I’m tired and this isn’t fair
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Esteemed Advisor



If she had clicked on send/request > send funds > inputted your email address > on the next page she would have been given 2 options, x1 goods/services and x1 friends/family, she should have clicked on friends/family inputted amount / currency and then send.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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