I accidentally opened a US account but I am from Croatia and can't withdraw my money




a few months ago I made some money on Fiverr and wanted to withdraw it using PayPal. I rushed the PayPal account registration and accidentally opened a US PayPal account and requested a withdrawal to it even though I live in Croatia. Now I have money pending, ready to be accepted but I can't withdraw it fully because it would require US bank account details. I tried linking my Croatian VISA debit card but, of course, couldn't withdraw to it. I am aware that I probably need to close the current US account and open a new Croatian one, but I am worried that the money that is currently pending will be lost because the money was already transferred from my Fiverr account. I'm wondering if there is a solution where I can close the US account, open a Croatian one and keep the money waiting to be accepted.


Kind regards and thanks in advance.

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When you click to register a paypal account there is a drop down list of countries with U.S being the default top option as Paypal is a U.S company.
You then have to scroll down and click on your own country to open the correct Paypal account for that country.

You can't use another countries Paypal account as it would never work properly and may be limited.

If you have opened a U.S paypal account by mistake then you need to remove anything you have added and close it (if you can) and then open one for the correct country you are in.
Paypal is country specific and differs a lot country to country.

Its unlikely you can get access to the funds on a U.S paypal account but by all means reach out to customer services and see if they can help you.

Advice is voluntary.
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