I Cant charge


The situation is that the first time I tried to make a payment it was on the 20th of January and it charged me from my bank account BUT there are no transaction on paypal and the second time 26th of January I wanted to make a payment and it was the other day when I recorded the video that you asked for and it was charged and it got back. So, basically I got charged once and it went from my account and the second time they paid me back so obviously it couldn't get through. For the first payment that I did I got charged but money didn't come back nor do I have it on the balance as a payment, I don't know where this money went. 




Then, I had another situation where I tried to make a payment from my mothers account BUT I couldn't do it AT ALL, no feedback except the feedback that you saw on the video in the system, but no feedback from the bank or paypal.  


I contacted support on System.IO and they checked and said that is not from their side...this is the message that I got

"This transaction cannot be completed because it violates the PayPal User Agreement."


Can you pls help to resovle this ASAP

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