How to get my refund sitting around in PayPal to go back into my overseas credit card?

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How to get my refund (sitting around in PayPal as a refund, not credit)

to go back into my overseas credit card which was used to make the purchase?


I am living overseas, and I made a purchase using PayPal, which is attached only to my overseas purchasing credit card. 

The seller didn't provide the service, and I asked for a refund.  The seller refunded the same way they were paid, RIGHT BACK through PayPal.

However, the refund was issued, and it shows up as refund but is unprocessed back into my credit card (since Dec. 2023). 

The money has NOT been sent to my PayPal Balance, NOT been sent to my Credit Card, and has NOT been refunded into any form of funds that I can touch,, just sitting there showing as a useless refund- WTH is going on with PayPal?


Does PayPal allow for using overseas CCards for purchases but not for refunds- I mean, the money is just setting in their account, 3 MONTHS ago.

Please enlighten me on how to sort this, as I am not interested in adding my "bank card" after this experience. 


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 When traveling, a login from a different country than where your PayPal account is registered can appear like an attempt by a third party to take over your account. Due to this, PayPal heavily limits and often prevents use of an account while traveling. That is why you may have issues paying / refunding / withdrawing payments. 


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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