Dollar Exchange on Bank Transfers

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I am receiving payments in US dollars and I want to transfer that money into my Uruguayan Bank account without converting the dollars to Uruguayan Peso. (I have a dollar bank account) Why can't I choose to keep my dollars on the transaction?

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Hello @Itolj

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community Forum! 

I understand you'd like to withdraw your balance in USD without a currency conversion. I apologize for any frustration caused by your previous attempts. Withdrawals to a bank account can only be completed in the local currency, which means the balance will be automatically converted. 

If you have a debit card associated with your bank, you can update the currency associated with that card. That would allow you to withdraw to the card in USD, but any payments made from the card would also be in USD. You can learn how to add a card on our Help Center here. If you are unable to change the currency online, please don't hesitate to reach out to Customer Support

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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