Defective item - during customer service, company deleted my account

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I bought a Mecool KM6 Deluxe Android TV box from a company which appeared to be in the UK (they offered 48 hour delivery by Royal Mail) but turned out that they were probably based in the Far East and it did not arrive for about a week.


There were problems with the item from the outset as it did not seem to want to start and when it finally booted up and I configured it, every time I booted it up, the WiFi was switched off and I had to go through settings to switch it on.


I complained to the seller and wrote in detail about the problem and they replied saying that they needed to see a video of the problem. This was not easy to do as I had to find a way of keeping my phone still whilst operating the remote control but I managed it and uploaded the video but when I went to provide a link via the company's website messaging, I found that my account had been deleted!


I finally managed to contact them by e-mail and they refused to answer why my account had been deleted but gave me an address to send it back. Frankly, having deleted my account the way that they did, I don't trust them. Would I be right in insisting that I use PayPal to make a claim so that it is all on record?

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