Cannot send money to my link

When trying to send money to my link the sender gets an error message saying the receiver can’t receive the money.
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Sender is in Germany and I’m in Thailand
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Hello @Benwalton08 and @Grimreepr

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community, @Benwalton08, and we appreciate you starting this one off, @Grimreepr!

I understand your recipient has been unable to send you a payment through your PayPal.Me link successfully, and I'm sorry to hear that. Thailand accounts are able to receive Goods & Services payments from Germany. If you know the sender is trying to send the payment in a different currency from what you normally accept, I suggest reviewing your payment receiving preferences to ensure you don't have any settings blocking it. 

If you've never received a payment before, please visit this Help Center article to learn how to establish your new account so you're ready to begin accepting payments. In addition to confirming your email, I also recommend ensuring your account is verified and you've confirmed your identity. If you continue to encounter difficulty, this Help Center article has a few more troubleshooting steps; reaching out to Customer Support may also provide you with more details. 

I hope this helps and that you receive your payment soon! 

- Meghan

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