Cannot get my data review

New Community Member

Lemme explain... I get this alert "Provide your info now to keep receiving payments.", but when I try to do this, I am not able to move forward and complete the process. The page just reloads... I can't complete the thing, even with all my data in order. Any tips? Is this a bug? This never happened before.

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Hello @Airell,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry to know that you're having issue to receive money and I know this can be concerning. Based on the information that you've shared, it is possible that this might be due to glitch, I would recommend you to clear cache and cookies or try using different browser or device and try again to provide the info to see if that works. If the issue still persists, please contact Customer Support directly through the available contact options on our website by clicking on 'Contact' at the bottom of the page so that our representatives can help you accordingly. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Customer Support by sending a DM on Twitter or Instagram or a PM on Facebook


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