Can I make online purchases using Paypal without linking my Bank Account or Credit Card? (USA)


Hey, just as the title says, I was wondering if it's possible to make an online purchase using Paypal, without linking my Bank Account or Credit Card? 

I wanted to know before I try to make a purchase.


If it helps, I'm in the US.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



How are you intending to fund the purchase without a linked bank account or card?

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I was already given money through PayPal to my PayPal account. 


I have/had a card linked to it before, but it expired and I don't have the new one yet to link to it, so I'm wondering if that will be an issue if I try to order something using PayPal funds without a card linked to account.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



As long as the funds are cleared and not pending and in the correct currency you should be able to use them.

Make sure you set your funding sources >>>

Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > second down click on update next to your preferred way to pay and put a dot in the balance option.


HOWEVER paypal normally likes you to have a card or bank linked as well to act as a back up funding source and to verify your paypal account so you 'may' get a reminder to add a bank or card first before you can use the funds. All you can do is try and see if it will go through ok.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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