Automatic transfer of account balance incomplete (only partial amount transferred)


Hi PayPal community, it appears the automatic transfer of my account balance was incomplete.

In our locale PayPal doesn't permit a standing balance and previously the automatic withdrawal has always reset the balance to zero at the first of each month.

This has not worked in July and August and the standing balance is increasing.

When I set "automatic transfers" in my business wallet, an error message appears.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

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Hello @zbulo


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some errors with the past two months' automatic withdrawals. You would normally need a confirmed Visa card and / or bank on file for your transfer to complete. Have you double-checked your wallet to see if anything has changed since your last automatic withdrawal completed?


If nothing has changed, please reach out to our Customer Support for further assistance. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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