Automatic subscription reactivated itself

Last month (Jan 20th) I got a notification that my YouTube premium subscription was renewed. I never requested it, nor have I ever paid for a YouTube subscription before (I used YT Premium briefly last summer because I got a free 3-months trial but deactivated it before it ran through so it wouldn't renew). I tried to contest the payment but had no proof that I hadn't requested it, so I could only begrudgingly accept the charge and immediately deactivate automatic payments so it wouldn't happen again. Except, yesterday (Feb 20th) it did. I have once again deactivated automatic payments (I don't even use YouTube anymore!), but how can I make sure it doesn't do it again next month (besides changing all my passwords, which I'm going to do later, and short of unlinking my card from the account)?
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To stop the company setting it up again you have to actually tell the company ie You Tube that you want to cancel the subscription.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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So deactivating PayPal automated payments doesn't do anything? Amazing. Also the point remains that I've never activated the service in the first place, and I'm pretty sure I already told YouTube not to renew it, but I'll check again. Thanks for the advice!
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