Amex unavailable payment method for transfers

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Amex as an unavailable payment method for transfers within paypal but works for some and not others? I've messaged Amex and Paypal but both say there are no issues.
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New Community Member

I am having the same issue. I tested it and it worked smoothly for one person, but isn't even showing up as an option for another.

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Hello @FlyingP and @adams869


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I can understand how it can be a bit concerning when you're unable to use a specific card to fund a payment. Normally, the first step we recommend when this happens is to make sure your card is confirmed. If it is, and you're still unable to use that card to fund a specific transaction, you may want to try another funding source for the time being. You may also wish to reach out to our Customer Support teams for further guidance. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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