Airline tickets issued. Transaction authorisation pending.

I have been issued airline tickets but the majority of the money has been returned to me and is pending on PayPal. What happens if the 30 days is up and the pending is cancelled? Will my tickets be cancelled?
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Hello @Leah173 


Congratulations for your first post in the PayPal Help Community!


I understand your concern about the pending authorizations towards your purchase in your PayPal account. When you place an order with the merchant, your account will show a “Pending” authorization until the merchant captures your payment. An Authorization is just a temporary charge which will be in pending for up to 30 days. If the merchant doesn't capture the payment, it will get voided and the money will be returned back to your original payment method. You can refer this article for more details about pending authorizations : What’s an “authorization” and can I cancel it?


I hope the information provided is able to assist with your concerns.,


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Thank you. But what will happen to the purchase of my tickets that have already been issued?
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Hey @Leah173 


I see you're worried about the status of your tickets. As you mentioned most of the money was returned and some are in pending status, I would suggest you to contact the merchant directly to get the confirmation about the tickets. You can get the contact information of the merchant by clicking on the transaction in the PayPal activity page.


Good luck,


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