why paypal take my money after 180 Days in hold ?


Hi , iam working as freelancer and paypal hold my account for 180 days 
after this time paypal take my money ( 5700 Euro ) ?
why ?? Capture d'écran 2024-01-17 131243.png

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Looks to me like that was a disputed amount.  From the looks of it, it was disputed amount and either you failed to reply to the dispute or the investigation did not go in your favour, and PayPal deemed you responsible for the funds.


In any case, your best bet would be to log in to the PayPal website and contact them and ask for the information there as this is NOT PayPal support, but user to user support.  They would be better able to answer as to what exactly happened.


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Hello @Amaeri 


Thank you for writing in the PayPal Help Community!


I certainly understand your concern about the debited funds in your PayPal account. At times, if a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy is found, we may debit your balance for liquidated damages accordingly. For more information, please refer our Acceptable Use Policy by clicking Legal at the bottom of any PayPal page. You can reach out to Support Team for any direct assistance regarding the charges. 


Thanks for the help @Grimreepr 

I hope this information helps,


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Paypal close the chat without helping me .
i didn't make any thing wrong to get my money 
also i dont have any litige with this amount
only have 2 litige ( 40 euro ) and closed .
paypal take my money without any raison !

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Hello @Amaeri


Thanks for reaching back out on our Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear about your recent experience with our PayPal Assistant as this is still causing a bit of confusion. Thank you for providing those screenshots, based off of those I think I can give you an idea of what may have happened. When a permanent limitation is placed, it's normally due to some kind of violation of our User Agreement. If you are a consumer, you may be responsible for any losses, expenses or other costs incurred by PayPal which are caused by improper use of PayPal services, violation of any laws, and breaches of our User Agreement. 


Based on the information provided above, it looks like PayPal may have debited your balance due to some kind of improper use of PayPal services or similar violation. You can try to phone our Customer Support teams since you were unable to receive support via our PayPal Assistant. However, I cannot state whether they will reverse the decision to debit your PayPal balance or not. 


My apologies for the inconvenience this may cause, 


 - Jon K


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paypal is a big scam !
iam working freelance and dropshipping like all peaple in the world. its not danger to get -5700 EURO 
stripe , 2checkout when they close account they give back money in few days . only paypal they close 180 days and They steal the money 

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