transaction mix up


I didnt recognise a tranaction for 60 Us I asked paypal about it and then 10 minutes later I identified the tranaction as being legitimate . My paypal account says case closed . My friend is now minus 60 Us . Are paypal holding her money :  what do I do . On her side the case is still open . and looks like paypal are holding her money help please 

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Hello @Grainne2

Welcome back to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've faced because of this originally unrecognized transaction. I recommend reaching out to Customer Support to let them know that the transaction was authorized and to see what you need to do to resolve your account. It sounds like it might be temporarily limited, and this is common when you file an unauthorized dispute. You can locate the different options to contact Customer Support on our Help Center here: How do I contact PayPal's Customer Service?

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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