the seller refunded my money but i didn't receive the money


I requested a refund for unintended payment (documents 1.1,1.2,1.3) PayPal withdrew money from an account I didn't know PayPal could even access, my PayPal account is connected to my Wise account, and PayPal tried to withdraw the money from Wise, but was denied(document 2.1,2.2), then withdrew the money from another account connected only to Wise not to PayPal (document 3), even though the issue was with PayPal only (they took the money from account that was not connected to PayPal), PayPal messaged the seller which in return refunded the money back to PayPal (documents 4.1,4.2), PayPal closed the refund ticket with the details "The case was closed in the seller’s favor as you received the item or service from the seller." the item number is "58558005", i cant contact PayPal again about the same payment to let them know the seller have already refunded the money.
I removed my Wise account from PayPal the last few days as am intend to delete my PayPal account, and I don't know if that is why the refunded money didn't reach me? is it because the same bank account was not connected anymore? my bank account is connected back again now, but I can't reach the support in any way the only option they give me is just to ask the community.
now I don't have the 50$ and doesn't have it either i still have to pay them the 50$ when I finish working on the project, so what can I do now? how can i get the refunded 50$?






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