scammed on F&F


Scammed on PayPal F6F and the only thing I have got so far is that PayPal are wiping their hands clean and want nothing to do with F&F disputes so I would suggest that as so any people get scammed on F&F and PayPal will do absolutely nothing to help, then PayPal should delete F&F altogether and sole the problem and have ALL transactions go through the one channel with fees and protection.  


I am now out $190 and no chance of getting it back from Nguyen [removed]. (AKA Winnie [removed]) . I hope karma really is a **bleep**.  

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Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

I take it that this individual impersonated "Winnie [removed]" and you sent Winnie some cash only to discover that this "woman" had one more appendage than you were expecting?


When on a dating site, and someone requests financial help in ANY way, there should be one answer "NO".  I am speaking from experience here. 


It is not the responsibility of PayPal to verify the identity of the receiving party.  If the transfer was made in good faith by you, authorized by you, then PayPal fulfilled it's purpose.  As bad and as lousy as it is to get scammed, it sounds as though PayPal did what you expected them to do, and as such, it is not their issue.


If Winnie had turned out to be Winnie and everything worked out, would you still be having this conversation?  If the answer is "no" then the issue is on your head and not PayPal's.  They did as you asked, transferred the funds as you asked. Chalk it up to a learning experience, and move on.  Learn from your mistakes and don't get taken again.  I had to, and I haven't.


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



A friends / family (or gift payment) is intended as a transfer of funds from family or friends to one another. For this reason, there is no processing fee when payment is made with bank or PayPal balance.
However as it is a gift payment, there is also no buyer protection as no goods or services should have been exchanged.

If he was not a close mate or family member you should never use that option as it enables the seller to evade paying his Paypal fees and negates your buyer protection at the same time.

You would also not be able to open a dispute (apart from one citing an unauthorised transaction), which would be automatically closed as you did authorise the initial payment. So of course paypal washed their hands of it as they clearly state before using that option that you would have 0 buyer protection, however you chose to continue to do so.

Be careful as using that option for purchasing goods is against Paypal rules and can lead to account limitation.

If you funded your Paypal payment via a credit card then contact your card issuer and see if they will help you but unfortunately they may decline as well as it was a gift payment.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Tell me something I don't know.

I thought he was a mate, wrong.

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