return goods to a fraudster on my own expenses? Why doesn't paypal just give me my money back?


Hallo, (English below)

ich bin leider auf einen Betrüger hereingefallen, der gefälschte Waren als Eigenmarken verkauft. Seine Webseite weckte den Anschein, das Unternehmen sitze in Deutschland (geklaute Adresse und Telefonnummer im Impressum), ist aber in China. Dorthin soll ich nun die Retoure auf eigene Kosten schicken, dabei hatte ich kurz nach Bestellungsabschluss meinen Irrtum bemerkt und storniert. Wie kann ich sicher sein, dass ich das Geld zurück bekomme, und sie nicht einfach behaupten, die Ware sei nicht angekoemmen? Hatte jemand schon mal so einen Fall? Das Unternehmen nennt sich Modehaus Galleria. Paypal hat meinen Einwand, dass es sich offensichtlich um Betrüger handelt bei der Konfliktlösung ignoriert und mich nur wieder an den Verkäufer verwiesen. Anscheinend lesen die die angefügten Nachrichten nicht?


Hello, unfortunately I fell for a fraudster who sells counterfeit goods as his own brands. His website gives the impression that the company is based in Germany (stolen address and telephone number in the legal notice), but is actually based in China. I am now supposed to send the return there at my own expense, even though I noticed my mistake shortly after placing the order and cancelled it. How can I be sure that I will get my money back and they won't simply claim that the goods have not arrived? Has anyone ever had a case like this? The company is called Modehaus Galleria. Paypal ignored my objection that they were obviously fraudsters when resolving the dispute and just referred me back to the seller. Apparently they don't read the attached messages?

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In the event of a dispute you choose your seller and not Paypal so you need to bear in mind possible return trackable costs before you go ahead and buy from that seller / country.

Paypal state this >>
IMPORTANT: You may be required to return the item to the seller or other party we specify as part of the settlement of your claim. PayPal Buyer Protection does not entitle you to reimbursement for the return shipping costs that you may incur.

You also have the option to do a chargeback via your card issuer instead of a Paypal dispute if you funded your Paypal payment via a credit card.

Advice is voluntary.
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The seller pretend to be located in Germany, but is not. They stole the adress and phone number of another busines (one in Germany). So why wouldn't they lie about the goods (not) having arrived at their place in China?

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That is why you have to send with tracking.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I had the same issue. Got a wrong item send to me, completely different from what I ordered.
First they wanted to give me discount so I would keep the item. As the item was useless I said no. Then I could send it back, on my expense, to get my money back.
I opened a claim with PayPal, got my money back after the other did not respond.

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