refund question

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I want to buy a game account. From someone, and I want to make sure if he stole that I can get refund from payapl. Is it possible or not ?

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in my experience, do not pay with bank account or credit card, paypal take very long to refund the money to that (if they do, that I still never saw he did). And as paypal have no customer service or do not reply.....take care 

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Esteemed Advisor



That depends on many factors all listed in Paypals buyer protection policy for you to read so you can risk assess your transactions.
Legal (bottom right of Paypals pages) > user agreement > buyer protection. Especially note the section on virtual / digital items and fund your paypal payment with a credit card to maybe give some extra protection. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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