permanently limited account, once i upgraded to bussiness account


Hello, this is the first time to post here, so i hope this is the correct section

I usually use PayPal to pay for my hosting providers, just to mask my credit cards, recently I have had a good amount of money on Fiverr, that I needed to withdraw to PayPal.

i always get the message: "Refused by service provider"

i searched for the reason and did all that the mods suggested.

  1. checked that Fiverr info is the same as PayPal info.
  2. I linked a Visa Credit card.

But sadly, none worked. I kept searching and another mod suggested upgrading to a business account, so i went in to upgrade the account, and boom i got permanently limited.


what did i do wrong here? I cannot even contact customer support in the Resolution Center.

Im so upset, just without giving any reason got me limited, I didn't use VPN, I use my real name on both Fiverr and PayPal.


what to do ?

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I tried this.

chatbots always say that there is no customer service agent available.

message center gives the error "We're sorry, this page is currently unavailable." once i hit submit my case.

same on the mobile app.


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Unfortunately that sometimes happens if you have a permanently limited account.

They don't allow contact as you are not longer a client of theirs as you have been banned.

Advice is voluntary.
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well, i wish i knew upgrading to business would ban me. this is really bad.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



They don't ban you for upgrading there would have been another reason.

All you can do is keep trying to contact and hope you get lucky.

Have you tried Facebook or Twitter?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Have you tried Facebook or Twitter?

No, I don't use any social media.

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Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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