permanent limitation

hi today i updated my profile with electricity bill and ID, than i got a mail that: You can no longer use PayPal after 1 minute another mail: Your identity has been verified This email is to confirm that you've successfully verified your identity with PayPal. If you had a limitation on your account, this has now been lifted and you'll be able to use your account as normal. but still my account is half blocked. i didnt do anything wrong. i use paypal to buy clothes bags etc. what should i do is there anyone solved it thanks 🥺
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Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

When doing certain changes to your account, payments can be restricted for a period of 24 to 48 hours after a financial change.  Since a bill is a financial change, I would give it 24 hours to see if the restriction is lifted.


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If you provided a bill to verify your i.d. and it was rejected and your account remains partly limited then your best bet is to contact customer services and see if they require any other information? 

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