

hello team i need to get my money because my account has been dispute and it depend 180 days ago please can you help me to get my money and thank you

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Hello @nasriyouness79,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I am sorry for what has happened. As per the information that you've shared, it seems like your account is limited. Account limitations are placed in situations where we see unusual or suspicious activity, or when we need to collect information necessary for keeping your account open. When we place a limitation, an email is sent to explain the reason for the limitation and what needs to be done to resolve the problem. In most cases, you can find options to resolve the limitation in the Resolution Center. If you've already checked the Resolution Center and still need help, please do let us know so we can have a closer look at the situation. To know more about why an account gets limited, please visit the link.





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