how can you close my account with no explaniation


how can paypal just limit or close my account without so much as a reason and from the way it sounds i'm glad i never left much money in the account seeing as people do not seem to get their money back after the 180 days this is ridicilous i believe someone was correct by saying class action lawsuit i don't know how paypal can legally steal money from people and just say oh well unfortunately theres nothing i can do about that refer to this list of possibilities and maybe there is one on there you will not find helpful at all this is just crappy paypal i expected more from you!!! no wonder they call it paypal they take your pay and pretend to be your pal while waiting to rob you and then laugh and not help or explain why this is just bad business period.

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Everyone who posts on here about being limited always says that they had broken no rules. However Paypal do not ban you for 0 reason. What would be the point? They make far more money from you using your Paypal account than interest on any held money.

You should get your funds back after 180 days as long as you are over 18, account is in your legal name and the account is registered in the country where you reside.

Sometimes they confiscate funds under this policy.

Contact options for Paypal are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages...

1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out.
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a private direct message via Social Media on Facebook, Twitter/X, or Instagram pages.

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I can promise you on every person I know....

I have used PayPal for Farmville purchases and orders from Walmart!


I have had a PayPal account for 3 years and mine was limited last month.

They reply I got said that "they made decision based off of me breaking the seller's agreement".


I have emailed several times and the only thing I get back now is "the decision cannot be changed, and you are not eligible for another account."

Then they blocked me from removing my bank information!

This is some bull crap and I plan on getting a lawyer!!!!!


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You may not have sold anything and the reason you were banned may not be to do with a transaction but something else like using a VPN for example.

However if they said it was selling then you don't have to be a seller, you may have been banned for sending friends/family payments for purchases TO a seller against paypal rules.

That is just an example there are plenty of others and there would be a reason why you would be banned.

I have heard from lots of folks that said they were banned for nothing and then found out the reason later that was valid.

Paypal do not ban you for nothing, it would not be cost effective for them as a business would it. 

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You can yell from the highest mountain that “PP doesn’t ban you for no reason” all you want but I have proof that I have only used PP for games and Walmart. That’s it!!! I will be talking to a lawyer because when they closed my account it dropped my credit score 25 points and I have worked hard on getting my score up to what it was. As a teenager and in to my 20s I didn’t care much about a credit score. Now I’m 43 with a home and 2 cars that have to be paid for every month. If I needed a loan for any reason right now, they would laugh in my face!
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🙄    ...and there's another one....gaming.

Nearing the reason maybe?

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I have been using PayPal for Farmville for over 3 years. Why would they stop letting me use it for that game? Has there been a new “user agreement” that idk about??
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Not true! They will hold and suspend your account without warrant or a given reason. I did a LEGAL transaction with a customer a week ago... Customer received their service, pay pal took their fee, but they're holding my $2000 that I got paid from the customer for over a week.. Even the customer service reps state that I'm entitled to it and everything is legit. I AM ALREADY TAKING TO 3 LAWYERS WHO ARE INTERESTED ON TAKING THE CASE! THEY HAVE COMMITTED WIRE FRAUD.
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