fraud and automatic payments


i was scammed by an IQ test website called Brainety.


In August 2023 I did some IQ test, and 1 September 2023 a company called UAB REBILITA / HYPNOTZIO from Lithuania they charged me for 66 euros for subscription that i never singed for. Last 1 March, they charged me again 66 euros, so I have been stolen twice from my PayPal account.


I requested a refund by email and of course no answer, then I opened a case with PAY PAL providing all evidence that i never singed up for this.

I researched the web and I found hundreds of cases in FACEBOOK and Trustpilot, etc search results showing that many people were scammed the same way from the same website.


PAY PAL closed the case by denying my refund, and i am even unable to contest that. This is unacceptable, PayPal is on the side of scammers and frauds. The customer protection is a joke.



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New Community Member

Hi mate,

I was too. I am calling PayPal continuously until they disendorse brainety. I would please ask you to do the same thing.

Call them, forward them to And ask them to investigate. Need more people to

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This happened to me as well, going to call my bank and try again.


Its insane they can just charge you without you signing up and there is no way to get your money back.

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