duspute fees , refund amount


why i reacieved message from paypal that they charge back amount to my client i already served him he only paid 50% for my services of linkedin profile optimization and Paypal also deduct 10 dollars as dispute fees why 

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Hello @MPatel563


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've experienced a chargeback on your account. There may be a few different reasons as to why a chargeback may occur. However, a chargeback normally means your client is disputing a charge and asking the card issuer for a refund. Here are a few articles you may find useful:


What is a chargeback, and why did I get one?

What is PayPal Seller Protection?

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support teams if you run into any questions along the way. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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