Why is my dispute taking so long?

New Community Member
I disputed a charge March 12. Nothing has been done except the estimated resolution date has changed 3 times. Went from April 1 to April 6 and now it's April 11. There's been no request for more info and it's not waiting for a reply from the merchant. I don't understand why it's taking so long, it's not like it's a large amount of money but it's frustrating & ridiculous that PayPal can't resolve issues in a timely fashion. More than 30 days to come to a resolution is crazy!
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Esteemed Advisor



Paypal don't guarantee your funds back, they do their best to assist you in getting the funds back if you meet all the criteria of buyer protection. 

So as they are helping you out I guess you have to wait if they are allowing the seller more time or they are busy with many claims at the moment.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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