Unidentifiable Recurring Purchasr

I have a recurring payment from Google that I do not recognize. Nothing that I do seems to identify the nature if the transaction. I need to know that it is legitimate and be able to identify the product.
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Ask customer services OR click on the transaction and use the details on that page to contact the merchant involved. 

Advice is voluntary.
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Hello @Joe2222222,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting! Thank you @kernowlass!

I'm sorry for any confusion this transaction has caused. Please log in to your account to review the transaction details. Select the payment in question, and a full transaction receipt will be provided as told by @kernowlass. Any information we have regarding the payment will be notated there. Before you progress further, have you checked to see if this is an unrecognized billing agreement payment? If you find recurring charges from the same merchant, make sure to cancel it first and then report the transactions if do not recognize them.

Here’s some information on how to locate your preapproved payment agreements and how to cancel a preapproved payment agreement here in this Help Center Article. If you need any help, you can contact the team by clicking the "Contact us" option at the bottom of PayPal page. Support is also available through Facebook by sending PM, Twitter and Instagram on DM.

I hope this helps,

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