The term seller protection is misleading?


In my opinion the term PayPal sellers protection is misleading.

We sent goods from our website for Valentine's to a relative of the sender. Now the sender is claiming that he did not make the purchase.

Since the Payment was done through PayPal  with a credit card, the credit card company of the sender is now disputing the transaction. We have to pay € 14,00 for this dispute and PayPal is telling us that if the claim is not in our advance we also lose the money that was paid. This is the misleadin part because PayPal gives the sellers the idea that they are complety protected against FRAUDE however they are not. Seller can't control this and have to rely on PayPal when customers pay. PayPall is MISLEADING seller.

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As paypal gives both sellers and buyers protection how can they give 100% protection to both parties??

You have to read up on either the buyer OR seller protection policies to see what they do or do not cover you for and then risk assess your sales.

Just like insurance companies and credit card companies they all have terms and conditions and can't cover you for 'everything'.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I’m curious of the result of this chargeback. I know it may take a month perhaps waiting for the outcome. I hope you can update us.
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