Telephone spam

New Community Member
Is there a history of information fishing by automatic callous from a local phone number saying that I have a pending payment?
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Hello @Snuffysmith86,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I understand that you are worried about the phone call that you have received. It is possible that we contacted you by email, text message, or through an automated call. To verify if the message you received is really from PayPal, log in to your PayPal account securely by typing into your browser's address bar and go to your Resolution Center. Your Resolution Center will contain information on any account issues we may have contacted you about.


If you receive a suspicious email, text message, or call, do not provide your personal or financial information, and do not click on any links, please forward them to If you provided personal or financial information, please change your PayPal password and security questions at your earliest convenience by following the steps listed here. You may want to first run a virus scan, just to make sure that you didn't pick something up from clicking any links. You can also learn more about how to spot fake notifications.




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