Someone is trying to pull the "Sugarmommy scam" using a PayPal account, how do I report this?


Someone using a PayPal account is trying to pull the "Sugarmommy scam". (Promissing a large sum of money for companionship/relationship, but in order to receive it, there is a transaction/clearance fee required)

Where do I report this? The help pages have a broken link to the page I need.


There was no money transferred in my case.

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If folks send funds using goods/services they may have the chance of a paypal dispute, if they send friends/family then they are sending a 'gift' of money to someone. To be honest if anyone is sending a gift of money to a 'sugardaddy etc' then that is there lookout surely? 

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It's a little more complicated then that in my opinion. There are people out there who are trying to scam vulnerable persons. They promise you a large sum of money but they send a "screenshot" saying that you need to transfer a clearance amount back to them for the money to come available. That sounds like a scam to me. And if they are using a PayPal account, they're acting against policy. Therefore I think it is important that they are banned from using PayPal.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Unlikely most of them have paypal accounts.

They send fake messages saying you have to pay to accept the money and that money has to be sent via bitcoin/ gift cards/ vouchers etc.

You never pay an upfront fee to accept paypal payments, no funds in your balance = you have not and will not be paid anything.

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