Sold item on market place they say they have paid
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Some one purchased a sofa I was selling and wanted to pay using PayPal, which I thought would be safe, they said they had paid the amount but my PayPal account couldn't accept it, so she had to send more money to increase my limit, then I had to send the money back to her. My gut says scam, has anyone else experienced this
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Fraud & Phishing
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You never pay any upfront fee as a seller.
Ignore scammers that send fake Paypal emails telling you that you need to pay an upfront fee to verify/upgrade to a business account/or any other reason to accept a payment.
You would certainly never have to send funds especially via another payment processor/bitcoins/ or tokens/vouchers of any sort.
Any fee is auto deducted by Paypal at the same instant the remainder of the payment is credited to your Paypal account balance.
No funds in your balance = you have not yet been paid, even pending/held payments will still show in your Paypal account activity.
Also there is 0 paypal seller protection for items personally delivered or collected so your best bet is bank transfer OR CASH on collection.
Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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