Seller with Paypal account

If a seller gives me as a buyer a paypal account which is not his account to make a transfer through goods&services-does it still entitle me for a "buyer ptotection" if,god forbids" something goes wrong after I make the payment ?
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Esteemed Advisor



That depends on many factors all listed in Paypals buyer protection policy for you to read so you can risk assess your transactions.
Legal (bottom right of Paypals pages) > user agreement > buyer protection.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thanks for your advice. I read it properly and couldn't find anything in relation to whether a buyer is entitled to protection in case the seller gives him Paypal account which is not his acciunt and the buyer make a transfer to that account and after that something goes wrong
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It turned out that the Paypal account email which was sent to me is the seller's business account and although I got the full name and address of the seller , yet the account is not on his name, but on his business/company name . I couldn't find any reference to such an issue in relation to "buyer  protection" and whether I'm entitled to such a protection or not, if I make a transfer to his business account and something goes wrong after the transfer is made.  

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