Seller protection against buyer shipping refusal

Buyer refused to clear item from customs, is there any protection for the seller (in this case, me)? Buyer did not want to accept the item due to the fact that customs held the item in their storage facility and he was afraid it would be damaged. Customs would not release it if he did not provide them with either a SSN or a tax id number for clearance, he would not oblige. Is he eligible for a refund once I receive the item back, or will I have any protection? He isn’t saying it, but it is possible he had a case of buyers remorse, without even receiving the item. I will most likely have to endure fees associated with the return, and pay pal does not reverse fees that they charge for the initial transaction. This was a $6000 cad purchase, so quite a bit of money is at stake. Who is liable here? There doesn’t appear to be much seller protection via pay pal, yet I am the one who incurs all the fees. I have no intention of fighting him over the refund, I just don’t think I should be responsible for incurring the fees that I have paid, if he denied the shipment without even receiving it. Please help!!!
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



In the event of an item not received dispute you ''should'' win if the tracking shows item not picked up by buyer at customs.

However as the system is mostly automated then you may have to appeal if the claim goes in the buyers favour.

Personally if I received the item back then I would refund for the item cost only and not shipping.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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