Seeking Community Assistance for Account Limitation Issue

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Dear PayPal Community,

I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding an account limitation issue I have encountered recently. I am writing here in the hope that someone might have faced a similar situation and could offer some guidance or insights.

My PayPal account has been limited, and I am unsure about the specific reasons behind this limitation. I am eager to resolve this matter and comply with PayPal's policies. I have already contacted PayPal's support team, but I am exploring various avenues to gather more information and resolve this situation swiftly.

If anyone has experienced a similar account limitation and successfully resolved it, I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions you could share. Additionally, if there are specific documents or steps that helped you in resolving the limitation, I would be grateful if you could share that information with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message. Your support and assistance are invaluable, and I look forward to any insights or guidance you can provide.

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Hello @Sheikh_Sufyan

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear your account has been limited. Typically, when an account is limited, any information that can be shared is provided within the emails and notifications in your PayPal account. Depending on the limitation, the information may not be shared to prevent circumvention of PayPal policies. If the limitation is not permanent, you can learn how to provide documents through our Help Center here. I also suggest visiting this article for a list of some common documents you may need to provide. 

I hope this information helps you lift the limitation! 

- Meghan

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