Scammed and Blocked by Seller. G&S or F&F?


I was buying sporting equipment on Facebook Marketplace. The seller asked if he could request payment over PayPal for the item. I received the request but was not given the option between G&S or F&F. I was asked for a shipping address before completing the transaction so I'm really hoping it was G&S but I have no way of being sure. He then requested 2 more payment to cover taxes/PayPal fees. Fast forward a day and he never sent me any type of shipping confirmation or receipt and has blocked me on Facebook Messenger. I even made a fake Facebook account and messaged the seller from that account about the listing to see if they would respond that it was still available and he responded right away and said yes. I opened 3 separate reports for each transaction through the resolution centre showing screenshots of our conversation, with him refusing to send shipping confirmation and then blocking me. The seller has 3 days to respond until I can escalate it to a claim. How can I be certain this was a G&S request and not a F&F? Is Facebook conversation screenshots enough for PayPal to side in my favour? If he never responds on PayPal will I be issued a refund? 

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Which dispute type did you open?

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Where do I find the case type?


All I see under the Case Details are:

  • Case ID
  • Disputed Amount
  • Seller Info
  • Shipping Address
  • Date Reported

Reason is: "Item not received"

Case status is currently "Under Review"


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