Restriction to account

New Community Member
Reference no. PP-L-448195413039 Some one gotto my account putan other account In my banks accounts area and I guess tried to transfer money when I saw it I reported it not to be mine then all Kindstaufe of things happened and they said they were to investigate well they put all Kinds of restriction this was 1/01/24 around and it is still restrickted it said it's done but it's still there when I'm waiting pay pal account back no correspondence that I know of there still asking me account stuff or statementw to a bank I know nothing about this should have been all ready finished and my account released I can not do any more than what I have done can some one give some thought or answering please
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Has paypal applied a permanent ban to your paypal account which they often do if they think you are a risk to them whilst using a paypal account?

If not then all you can do is reach out and ask what is happening.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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