Request for money

New Community Member
Hi everyone, I’m selling a high value watch and someone has asked me to send them a money request and then lost the watch. They won’t come and view the watch nor pay via bank transfer. Is this legit? And am I covered by PayPal also. Many thanks, I do t want to be scammed for such a large amount
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Make sure its not this scam.



They encourage you to accept a direct Paypal payment and may ask you to send the item internationally.

They ask for a money request so they then have your email address to send fake paypal emails to.
No funds or activity of the transaction shows in your Paypal account and any emails may go into your junk/spam folders.

You will get/got a "fake" email that looks as though it is from isn't because they don't have a Paypal account and have no intention of paying you.
It will say the buyer has paid won't have been paid.
They will tell you that the payment is released when you provide paypal with a tracking/shipping number......this won't happen.

Paypal NEVER tell you to send an item before the payment is showing in your paypal account.
Paypal do not tell you to send trackable, they advise it for selling protection but it is not compulsory.
Delete any emails and ignore the scammers.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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