Received unknown transaction and the buyer now asked for refund using my own money

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I have received an unknown transaction last week which I immediately report to Paypal on this. After a while, this "buyer" request a refund from me and I am requested to pay for the credit card transaction fee which I find it ridiculous. I contacted Paypal customer support and also report on this issue and the case was closed by stating "I need to refund this money back to the buyer". I don't see the point on me paying any credit card transaction fee which it could be a scam once I entered my credit card information in Paypal and the scammer will take action on my account. Now I cannot report any further on this case because is being closed by Paypal

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Click on the transaction and use the 'refund' option at the bottom of that details page, issue a part-refund minus any fee that was charged as it was not your error?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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