Possible Fraud


 In the UK. I have received a payment  £16.36 into my a/c from an unknown source, not expecting a refund for anything, and I have made no similar payment from my bank. Sent a message for more info from the sender with no response but then received a payment of €0.24 into the a/c.  On screen it looks like I can refund these, but do not wish this person to have more info re my a/c. Any experience of this or suggestions ?

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Esteemed Advisor



Best thing is to refund BUT check first that you were not charged a fee to accept the funds. Click on the transaction and check the details page for any fee. If there is one you may want to consider doing a part refund minus the fee element as paypal do not return the fee as part of any full refund that you may make. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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