Please tell me,, how can I pay


Please tell me, can I transfer money from my wallet?We’re reviewing your information and will get back to you regarding the status of within 1 days,What to do, I couldn't connect my virtual card

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We’re reviewing your information and will get back to you regarding the status of Ref ID: PP-L-444277071339 within 1 days
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Hello @ExtraTiser

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community Forum to ask your question! 

From the information you've provided, it sounds like you have a limitation that's preventing you from transferring money out of your PayPal Balance. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. After you've submitted all documents within your Resolution Center, the limitation will be placed into a review status. Once the review is complete, you'll receive an email update letting you know. Due to the recent holiday, the review timeframe might take longer than what was quoted online. After you're notified that the limitation was lifted, you can learn how to add a card and withdraw

I hope you receive an update soon! 

- Meghan

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